Membership Information


Membership: The CCH Volunteer Group is referred to as the Auxiliary.  The Auxiliary is open to all persons interested in the work of Central Carolina Hospital Auxiliary and who agree to abide by the policies of the hospital and Auxiliary.  Active Membership shall become effective upon receipt of the applicant’s dues. Dues help defray expenses and entitles an active member to participate in Auxiliary decision making, hold office, and vote.


Dues: Five ($5.00) dollars per fiscal year, January 1st – December 31st.  All monies received by the Auxiliary shall be used only for lawful purposes, which are consistent with the Auxiliary’s by-laws, subject to the rules and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service.


Voting Rights: Active Members are entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members.


Meetings: One annual Fall Auxiliary meeting and upon receiving advance notice special meetings as needed.


Governed by:  Officers and Board of Directors.  Officers are elected and installed at the annual fall meeting and serve a one (1) year term.  Board of Directors consists of Elected Officers, Immediate Past President, Chairman of Standing Committees as appointed by President and two (2) Ex-officio members Volunteer Services Coordinator and a Hospital Administer.  All serving a one (1) year term and installed as Board of Directors at the fall meeting.


 2019  Auxiliary Board of Directors

Ethel Zabel – President

June Gunter – Vice President

June Gunter – Immediate Past President

Sue Roache- Treasurer

Jack Beyer – Assistant Treasurer

Amber Kidd – Secretary

Jan Carlson – Assistant Secretary/Scholarship Chair

Ethel Zabel / June Gunter – Gift Shop  Co-Chair

June Gunter – Public Relations

Shirley Joyner – Fundraising Chair

Brenda Garner / June Gunter – Breast Cancer Comfort Fund Co-Chair

Vacant – Get Away Garden Chair


CCH Volunteer Services Coordinator Amanda Sloan

CCH Administrator